Fixing a 1200 sq.ft. Townhouse – Part 2

Today at Slow Home Studio we show you how John and Matthew have turned the Fast House seen in yesterday’s episode, into a Slow Home!

  • Frank

    Two recommendations for your consideration:

    1. Reverse swing on the entry door if allowed by the covenants and restrictions on the town house to provide additional entry space.

    2. Always consult with a structural expert before removing any walls. This is especially important when supporting a second level. The walls may be bearing walls or may provide lateral resistance to earthquake and wind loading in the structure. In this plan it appears that the window wall has only minor lateral resistance and unless it was constructed as a moment resistant frame, such as Strongframe by Simpson (see ), the interior wall may be providing the additional lateral support for the structure.

  • amagin

    i would rather have my closet open to my kitchen than my bathroom. thats my only problem. still trying to buy your book

  • Matthew North

    Hi amagin – thanks for your comment! The second edition of “What’s Wrong With This House?” is going to print soon and should be available for sale at the end of March – thanks for your patience!