21/01/10 – Los Angeles – Apt./Lofts

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Review the Slow Home Test scores

Fast test scores (PDF)
Slow test scores (PDF)

  • Mid America Mom

    HI John and Matthew, cannot pull up market loft plan. Thanks!

  • John Brown


    Thanks for the heads up. We are looking into it and making some revisions to this post. – Please excuse the teething problems, this is the first time we have had this kind of a segment.

  • Jenny

    Hi slow homers,
    I am encouraged to see that the fastest and slowest ones that I voted for actually came up with the fastest and slowest scores. I must be getting this thing (and no I didn’t check out the scores before I voted) :)
    After a while I think you kind of get a gut feel in an instant about what makes a good plan or not. They often try to throw you by putting in fancy furniture but we all need to see past that to work out what is really going on.

    What fun!


  • DHT

    Hi John, so now that the votes are in and the “Winners/Lossers” announced… are you going to archive the details/URL Links to these projects anywhere on your site? If you have, I can’t find them ;-)


  • John Brown

    The titles in the two polls were links to the url’s for the 6 projects. I will repost them in a comment in Friday’s segment and rework the layout of next Thursday’s poll so that it is more obvious. Sorry for the confusion.