An In Depth Look At Single Family Homes In Chicago

This is Day 226 of the Slow Home Project and we need you to join us in our quest to evaluate the design quality of houses in nine North American cities in nine months.

Today is our final “In Detail” episode and we are looking at parking in single family houses! All of our examples are from the Chicago area. We need you to go through the Chicago “Slow Home Project” data base and look for examples of single family houses that you think have both good and bad parking spaces and then post them to the site along with your comments. We look forward to the discussion!

When you are ready, click on the player below to watch John and Matthew’s tutorial on good and bad parking conditions in single family houses.

To see the examples from the tutorial in more detail, click on the thumbnails below.

1. This is a good parking condition. The double attached garage does not dominate the house, it takes only one third of the frontage and does not restrict light to any of the principal rooms.

2. This is also a good parking condition. The garage could almost be considered a “side attached” garage with all the service space for the house directly behind the parking.

3. This is a proportionately long and narrow house and because of this, the garage is barely acceptable. There is only one principal room that faces the front and this garage is on the verge of dominating the house.

4. This is poor parking condition where the three car garage dominates the house creates a large and really unusable side yard.

5. This is also a bad parking condition where over fifty percent of the house is taken up by parking and the living space is forced to wrap around the garage.

6. This parking condition is acceptable as the garage is pulled forward allowing the principal rooms to have light and it also could be detailed to create a nice entry condition.

7. This rear attached garage does not help this house as the dining room has very little light and the house has no back yard.

8. This rear attached garage condition is better, as a courtyard has been created to help reduce the impact of the garage on the back of the house.

Make sure to watch tomorrow for a special “live” Slow Home episode where we will be reviewing all the “Design Challenge” submissions and announcing the winner of our book prize!

  • nicole

    Good garage:
    2152 W Giddings (as posted by Brad W)
    Not attached to the house so it does not dominate. At this site, it is good, (even though it is is a 3 car garage) because it creates privacy and blocks some unwanted views of a commercial development behind. If this house was located at another site, it may not be beneficial to have the garage at the rear of the property, as it could block an amazing view.

    Not so good example:
    +Ballantyne B (as posted by Claudette)
    _YIKES! The front garage is emphasized by the large gable above the attached garages!!
    _does not negatively impact the interior, (with the exception of a narrow front- but I have seen worse)

  • Terri

    Manolo analyzed this floorplan and stated that the entry from the garage was bad. I agree. It’s unnecessarily complicated. Although this 2-car garage doesn’t take up a lot of frontage space, the way it’s incorporated into the house with a poor access to it negatively impacts the organization.

  • Terri

    John & Matthew,
    While looking for plans to post here I noticed several names of Slow Homers who don’t regularly post plans. There’s another community on the Project Page who deserve recognition–possibly awards for the top three producers to the project, maybe? A lot of data has been provided by these hard-working folks.

  • Terri

    Sorry, I was unclear in that first sentence. What I’m trying to say is, they don’t post THEIR OWN plans, as many of us who vie for prizes do. A prize for their contributions to the Slow Home Project seems appropriate to me.

  • grace coulter

    first I apologize, stitched finger and no spell check means this post is full of issues lol….

    This is a late post but I wanted to add some houses to the project this week and review garages in homes I found.
    The first is the Oakmont,
    garage is dominating the front. As a result the dining is getting side lighting and the front living room is very compact. I accidentailly filed this under lofts but it is a sinle detached.

    in this plan the bedroom only has a side lot view because of garage location.

    This one is strange. I hate this style of garage but felt like it deserved the points because it meets the criteria.

    This is an example of a good garage in my opinion….

    Again the rest of the home aside the garage isn’t bad….