2600 sqft 2 bedroom house, California

2600 sqft 2 bedroom house, California (PDF)

Viewer Design Responce from Louis Pereira (PDF)


    This is so cool. Thanks John and housebrand team for continuing to educate the world about good design. I learn so much from this site – as does my son, who also enjoys the videos! Thanks! – Angie.

  • John Brown

    That is a very nice thought. I have very distinct memories of watching Julia Child’s TV program with my mother in the 1960′s when I was a young boy. She would take notes and really pay attention despite all of my intrusions. I remember being really impressed when she would make the same meal for dinner that night.

  • zrstr

    Really great stuff (one of my favorite sites now).

    Just wanted to point out that the link to the video seems to have gotten switched — it points to “03.23.1500 sqft Low-Rise Condominium, California” (with the diagonal layout) now.